This time last week us Garden2Table members were unwinding from our Circle of Food display at College Royal. It was a whirlwind of a weekend, but a huge success. A big thank-you to all the chefs who came and demonstrated simple and healthy meal ideas, Chef Ezra Title, Chef Shea Robinson, Chef Matthew Foote, and a special thanks for Chef Bruce McAdams who stepped in at the last minute.
Each chef profiled a different dish to cater to every taste; families had the opportunity to make a coconut yogurt parfait, a veggie wrap, a quinoa salad, and an apple blossom dessert over the course of the weekend. In addition to the delicious demonstrations, families has the opportunity to experience The Circle of Food. Staring by learning about seeds and planting, visitors worked their way around the circle to our compost display. Along the way they had a chance to plant lettuce seeds in a hand crafted newspaper pot, play a nutritional game by deciding which foods belonged in which food group, learn about local and imported food, taste the difference between organic and non-organic carrots, and take home some seeds and herbs from the GCUOF.
The weekend would not have been possible without the numerous volunteers who came out and manned booths, assisted in the kitchen, and helped our street team attract visitors around campus. Congratulations to the Applied Human Nutrition display that won best in fair! Lastly, thank you to all who came out and experienced The Circle of Food, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!